The “MeWe Power Up” project, driven by the “la Caixa” Foundation, addresses the challenges of integrating women survivors of female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriage (FM), and other forms of gender-based violence through a comprehensive approach. It aims to empower these women by promoting their capabilities and creating new opportunities for personal development and social and socio-economic integration.

MeWe Power Up offers the following:

  • Autonomy workshops: These workshops focus on sexual education, individual rights, and gender-based violence. They provide women with a positive framework and the authority to decide about their bodies.


  • Support service: A personalized assistance service for administrative support (intercultural mediation service) and group sessions to educate women about their basic rights.


  • Intercultural mediation course for women trained in preventing FGM and FM: This semi-presential course equips women with tools to collaborate with public services for citizen support.


  • Training for second-generation youth: This includes creating discussion groups and lectures on structural racism in companies, vocational training workshops, and job placement opportunities.


  • Creation and dissemination of prevention resources: Developing educational, informative, and awareness materials that address female genital mutilation, forced marriage, and other forms of violence in a clear and accessible manner.

This project makes a broader range of social and employment tools available to the project participants. They gain information about their individual rights, find supportive and empowering spaces, overcome existing barriers, and improve various aspects of their lives.