Our ongoing program is dedicated to promoting awareness, understanding, and advocacy related to individual sexual and reproductive rights.

We form close-knit groups of 15 women, meticulously designed to optimize personal engagement and active participation. In these groups, each participant has the chance to voice her thoughts, share personal experiences, and ask questions, fostering a trusting environment and bolstering confidence. This intimate setting creates a safe space where sensitive issues related to sexual and reproductive health can be discussed openly.

Our approach to education is intergenerational, bringing together women of different age groups in each cohort. This fosters a diversity of experiences and perspectives, facilitating mutual learning and enriching discussions.

Through this inclusive, engaging, and transformative educational model, we strive for individuals to catalyze societal change. We believe that by fostering a comprehensive understanding of our sexual and reproductive rights, every woman can effectively exercise and advocate for these rights, contributing significantly to the eradication of harmful cultural practices and the creation of a safer, more equitable society.

Through a series of dynamic and participatory workshops and sessions, we will explore the following topics.:

Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology: Educating about the female reproductive system, including the functions of various organs and their role in menstruation, conception, and childbirth.

Menstrual Health: Understanding the menstrual cycle, managing menstrual hygiene, and debunking myths and misconceptions.

Contraception: Educating about different methods of contraception, their effectiveness, proper usage, and access to contraceptives.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Raising awareness about common STIs, their transmission, prevention methods, testing, and treatment options.

Healthy Relationships: Promoting understanding of healthy relationships, consent, communication skills, recognizing signs of abuse, and seeking help in case of domestic violence or harmful relationships.

Sexual and Reproductive Rights: Informing women about their rights regarding sexual and reproductive health, including access to healthcare, contraception, abortion services, and protection against discrimination.

Self-Care and Emotional Well-being: Promoting self-care practices, stress management, and addressing mental health concerns related to sexual and reproductive experiences.

Health Screenings and Preventive Care: Emphasizing the importance of regular health check-ups, screenings for STIs and cervical cancer, and early detection of health issues.

Intimate Partner Violence: Providing information on recognizing signs of intimate partner violence, its impact on health, and available resources for support and safety.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): Working towards the eradication of FGM and raising awareness about its severe physical and psychological consequences. Providing comprehensive education on the harmful effects of FGM, including the increased risk of infections, chronic pain, complications during childbirth, and long-term sexual and reproductive health issues.

Forced Marriage: Informing about the risks and consequences of early and forced marriage, including health complications and limited rights. Supporting women to make informed choices, advocating for their autonomy, and working towards legal reforms to protect them.