They need us. Help us to help.
They need us. Help us to help.

The Purple Chair Podcast: Amplifying Youth Voices in the Fight Against Female Genital Mutilation and Gender Based Violence
We are excited to announce the launch of The Purple Chair Podcast, an innovative series dedicated to elevating the voices of young activists addressing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV). The launch will be on the International Day of the Girl Child, October 11 (11:00-12:15). To participate please register here.
What is female genital mutilation?
Su Voz (Her Voice)
IntroductionThe Su Voz project, funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Consumer Affairs, and Agenda 2030, will be implemented between October 2024 and October 2025. This initiative aims to contribute to the elimination of female genital mutilation and forced marriages, [...]
The PIVOT project, supported by the European Union's Erasmus+ program, aims to strengthen the role of youth in the democratic processes of the European Union (EU), highlighting the significance of active and informed participation [...]
MeWe Power UP
The "MeWe Power Up" project, driven by the "la Caixa" Foundation, addresses the challenges of integrating women survivors of female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriage (FM), and other forms of gender-based violence through a [...]
Asha Ismail interviews Dr. Renée Bergstrom, female genital mutilation survivor
Asha Ismail interviews Dr. Renée Bergstrom, female genital mutilation survivor.
Entrevista a Asha Ismail (La Voz de Galicia)
Asha Ismail: «He conseguido perdonar a mi madre».
Víctima de una ablación cuando tenía 5 años, preside la ONG Save a Girl, Save a Generation. Este sábado será homenajeada por Tierra de Hombres por su defensa de la infancia.
Leer entrevista
“Sin las africanas no se puede terminar con la mutilación” | El País (29/1/2018)
Testimonio de Asha Ismail en su ponencia en Casa África, y recogido por el diario El País.
“Todavía oigo el sonido de la cuchilla” | La Vanguardia
Reportaje publicado en la edición digital de La Vanguardia, en el que Asha Ismail relata su historia en primera persona.20